Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Happily Ever After

This is one great love story. Almost like a fairy tale. But this story isn't mine to tell. This is the wedding of Jun and Agnez. I have been blessed and was given the chance to handle this event. And God has been so gracious that He has given us a sunshiny day, a pink sunset, a starry evening and lots of love in between.

This all happened last May. It's funny how the event that took place three months ago seemed to have happened only yesterday. Perhaps the people who have been witnesses to the couple's marriage remember this occasion vividly. I for one remember how magical this day was. I remember how this day was so special because it was overflowing with love, not only from the couple, but also from their friends and families, from the people at the resort, and from everyone who made this day possible.

Love, the kind that lasts forever, is not always easy to come by. It's not always rainbows and butterflies, not always smooth sailing and sunshiny weather. But when a relationship withstands even the coldest and harshest of seasons, you know it's for keeps.

Photos by Mark Cantalejo shot at El Nido Resorts