Often times I’d feel very frustrated and disappointed in myself. I’d beat myself up thinking about my shortcomings, about my failures, about my unfulfilled plans, which makes me feel bad about everything else. Until one day I stumbled upon this photo posted in Facebook showing particles of sand under 250x magnification. Each granule looked very beautiful and varied. Some grains looked like tiny spiral shells, all the others looked like fragments of shells.
I didn't believe it at first so I had to verify it and browsed through another website about sand. It's true. The picture was legit and unbelievably beautiful. Common sense would tell you that sand is made up of silica, but that is only one component of sand—pieces of corals deposited by waves and shattered shells and other kinds of minerals make up sand. Every grain of sand is different in different parts of the world, that’s why it comes in many colors—black, brown, white, even pink.
I’d read it all up in this very interesting site, Inspiration Green. Learning about all this made me realize how great God is, how awesome nature is and how lucky I am because I get to experience nature everyday. How wonderful it is that even a minute, seemingly insignificant thing such as a grain of sand could hold so much beauty and splendor within it. This also made me realize that I am but a mere speck of sand in this universe. But I am a creation of God and that alone assures me that I am worthwhile. We are all specks of sand and we all make up this beautiful beach called life. And for sure, there will be rough currents and waves of challenges ahead, but this speck of sand will rise above to the surface.